Programmable Calculator User Manual
January 28, 2015

Congratulations on downloading Jeff Glenn's Programmable Calculator app!

In addition to the arithmetic functions of a typical calculator, this app features the ability to be programmed so you can create your own custom functions!

We'll get into all the details of writing your own programs soon, but first, to wet your whistle, see how simple the popular "Hello, world!" program is:

01 prt "Hello, world!"
02 eof

And you only have to enter the prt instruction. The eof is automatic. You see how easy this can be. Don't get scared, the rest is easy, too.


The Programmable Calculator app has two displays: the larger main display and the smaller status display. The main display is where you see program steps as well as program and manual calculation results. For instance, "Hello, world!" in the sample program above will be displayed in the main display. The status display shows one of three states the calculator is in: STOPPED, RUNNING, and   INPUT  .


Under the right side of the main display is the PROG/RUN switch. This switch changes the calculator between Program mode and Run mode. You enter and edit programs in Program mode and run programs in Run mode. You also perform manual operations in Run mode.


You'll see that there are 4 different colors of keys. The colors help group the keys into related functions. The  f  key enables alternate functions for other keys, like a shift. The alternate functions are shown in the same gold color right above the key, e.g., the TIME function over the  IN  key.


The calculator uses a virtual keyboard to accept textual input for file names and for the PRT instruction. This keyboard has three sets of keys that are selected using the symbol and shift keys. The three sets of keys look like this:

lower case keyboard   upper case keyboard   symbols keyboard

To enter upper case letters, touch the Shift Up shift up key. The upper case keys will be shown for the next key selected and then it will return to the lower case keys. If you want to enter more than one upper case letter, touch the Shift Lock shift lock key. When you are done entering upper case letters, touch the Shift Down shift down key.

To enter symbols, touch the Symbols symbols key. When you're done entering symbols, touch the Alphabetic alphabetic key.

To erase the last character entered, touch the Clear clear key. When you are finished entering all your text, touch the Done key.


The calculator has four types of storage:

Program steps, Registers, and Labels are all numbered from zero. You can use up to 10 Registers (0 .. 9), plus the Accumulator, and up to 10 Labels (0 .. 9). Files are identified by names.


Some functions are directly accessible as a single key touch, like  IN . The rest of the functions are accessible by first touching the  f  key and then the key under the desired function, like TIME. Once a function is selected, by either method, the calculator will accept that function. Some functions cause program instructions to be stored and others are used to edit the program. The second group also includes saving programs to your device's memory and loading existing programs from your device's memory.

NOTE:  It doesn't matter whether your device has an SD card for its memory or it is emulated by your device as part of its built-in memory. Your programs are stored in a "Programs" folder on your device.

The functions mostly fall into one of several categories: Logical, Input/Output, Jump, Store, Math, Edit, File, and Other.

Category Functions Description
Logical <, ≤, =, ≠, >, ≥, DSZ Compares the value in the Accumulator with the parameter. If true, the next instruction is executed. Otherwise the next instruction is skipped. Usually, the next instruction will be GTO. DSZ decrements a Register and skips the next instruction when its value is zero.
Input/Output IN, OUT, PRT Allows input of numeric values and output of numeric and string values.
Jump LBL, GTO Enables program execution to repeat or skip.
Store SET, CLR, STO, RCL, XCH Sets the Accumulator to a constant or Register value or saves the Accumulator in a Register. XCH swaps the values in the Accumulator with a Register.
Math −, +, ×, ÷ Performs arithmetic operations with the Accumulator and constants or Registers.
Edit RESET, FIRST, ↑, LAST, ↓, DEL Allows you to clear the calculator, view the steps of a program, and delete steps.
File SAVE, LOAD, ERASE Saves programs to files, loads programs from files, and erases files.
Other TIME, SLEEP, EEX, REM, R/S, Error, Menu Performs functions that don't fit into the other categories.

NOTE:  The  =  key is also used to (a) indicate that a parameter is a number, (b) indicate the end of a numeric parameter, (c) confirm you want to reset the calculator, and (d) complete pending manual operations.

So you see that some functions correspond to instructions that can be stored and executed in a program while others are used to view and edit a program. Some functions are used for both.

Executable instructions can have different parameters (or none at all). Some instructions can have different types of parameters, e.g., + can have none (meaning the Accumulator), a digit (meaning a Register), or a literal number like -2.75. When entering an instruction, the calculator will prompt for the parameters that can be used, e.g., A[.], R[0-9], number[=]:

Labels are entered and displayed similarly to Registers, i.e., as a single digit.

New instructions are inserted into the current program, after the displayed instruction.

TIP:  If you make a mistake entering an instruction, we suggest you move to the incorrect instruction and insert the correct one after it. Then move up and delete the incorrect one. This leaves the incorrect instruction as a placeholder until you're sure you have entered the correct instruction and in the correct location. You can move through your program using the FIRST, ↑, LAST, and ↓ functions.

NOTE:  Instruction names are stored and displayed as lower case alphabetic strings. Their function may be shown on the calculator in upper case or as a symbol like "+".

All of the functions are described in detail in the following table.

Key Display Type Parameter Description
 f  f Shift None Selects alternate key functions.
 ≤  le Logical Constant or Register Executes the next instruction if the Accumulator is less than or equal to the parameter.
 ≠  ne Logical Constant or Register Executes the next instruction if the Accumulator is not equal to the parameter.
 ≥  ge Logical Constant or Register Executes the next instruction if the Accumulator is greater than or equal to the parameter.
 <  lt Logical Constant or Register Executes the next instruction if the Accumulator is less than the parameter.
 =  eq Logical Constant or Register Executes the next instruction if the Accumulator is equal to the parameter.
 >  gt Logical Constant or Register Executes the next instruction if the Accumulator is greater than the parameter.
DSZ dsz Logical Register Decrement and Skip on Zero: Subtracts 1 from the Register and skips the next instruction if the Register is zero.
 IN  in Input/Output Register Input: Pauses the running program and waits for a number to entered. When R/S is touched, the number is stored in the specified Register and the program continues running. (A ← Input)
OUT out Input/Output Register Output: Appends the value in the specified Register to the display. The program does not stop. See the NOTE below.
PRT prt Input/Output String or nothing Print: When no parameter is specified, the display is cleared. When a string parameter is specified, it is appended to the display. The program does not stop. See the NOTE below.
LBL lbl Jump Label Label: Marks a location in the program where a GTO or DSZ can jump to.
GTO gto Jump Label Go To: Causes the program to jump to the location of the specified LBL instruction and continue from there.
SET set Store Number Stores the specified number in the Accumulator. (A ← Number)
CLR clr Store None Clear: Sets the Accumulator to zero. (A ← 0.0)
STO sto Store Register Store: Sets the specified Register to the value in the Accumulator. (A → R)
RCL rcl Store Register Recall: Sets the Accumulator to the value of the specified Register. (A ← R)
XCH xch Store Register Exchange: Swaps the values of the specified Register and the Accumulator. (A ↔ R)
 −  sub Math None, Constant, or Register Subtracts the value of the specified Register from the Accumulator. (A ← A − R)
 +  add Math None, Constant, or Register Adds the value of the specified Register to the Accumulator. (A ← A + R)
 ×  mul Math None, Constant, or Register Multiplies the Accumulator by the value of the specified Register. (A ← A × R)
 ÷  div Math None, Constant, or Register Divides the Accumulator by the value of the specified Register. (A ← A ÷ R)
RESET N/A Edit None Clears the current program and Registers.
FIRST N/A Edit None Moves to the first instruction in the program.
 ↑  N/A Edit None Moves to the previous instruction in the program. If at the first one, moves to the last one.
LAST N/A Edit None Moves to the last instruction in the program.
 ↓  N/A Edit None Moves to the next instruction in the program. If at the last one, moves to the first one.
DEL N/A Edit None Deletes the displayed instruction from the program.
SAVE N/A File Name or New Saves the program to a file in the device's memory.
LOAD N/A File Name Loads the program from a file in the device's memory.
ERASE N/A File Name Erases a stored program file from the device's memory.
TIME tim Other None Sets the Accumulator to the current time. The time used is the number of milliseconds since the device was booted and includes deep sleep. This time is guaranteed to be monotonic and continues to tick even when the device is in power saving modes. It can be used to calculate elapsed time. (A ← Time)
SLEEP slp Other None, Constant, or Register Causes the program to wait for the specified number of milliseconds before continuing. This is useful for displaying intermediate results without stopping the program. Using a Register allows you to calculate the sleep time or to easily use the same value in several places.
EEX E Other None Enter Exponent: Appends an exponent (i.e., power of 10) to the number being entered.
REM rem Other None or String Remark: Enters a comment in the program. This is useful as the first instruction to show the name of the program. Remarks are skipped over during execution, i.e., they are No Operation (NOP) instructions.
R/S stp Other None Run/Stop: When executed in a program, it causes the program to stop running. When used manually, this key will stop a program that is running and start a program that is stopped. When the key is touched after the  f  key, it displays the app's option menu. This is for devices with no hardware menu key.
Error err Other None or String Indicates that an unrecognized instruction was included in the program. This can occur when loading a program that was created outside the calculator app (e.g., with a text editor). The string parameter shows the whole unrecognized instruction and any parameter. Errors are skipped over during execution.
Menu N/A Other None Causes the app's option menu to be displayed.

NOTE:  The PRT and OUT instructions can be used together to mix text and values, e.g.:

09 prt
10 prt "Average is "
11 out 2
12 prt " out of "
13 out 3

Recall that PRT with no parameter clears the display. When run, the program will display something like this:

Average is 3.5 out of 10.0

TIP:  When you touch the PRT key, a virtual keyboard opens. To enter a prt instruction with no parameter, touch the DONE key without typing anything.

Key Options

You have options for getting feedback when you touch the calculator's keys. The Key Options are available from the options menu. They look like this:

Key Options

When "Sound" is checked, the calculator beeps each time you touch a key. When "Vibrate" is checked, the calculator vibrates each time you touch a key. This is also called haptic feedback. Both options can be used together if you like. Be aware that some devices do not support vibration.

Example Program

OK, you have all the details but if you're like me, you need to see an example. You probably noticed that this calculator has basic arithmetic operations, but no square root. Well, not to worry, square roots can be computed using a method that is easy to implement on your Programmable Calculator app! This is described in detail in "Methods of computing square roots" but here are the essentials:

We are going to use successive approximation to get better and better estimates of the square root of a number. Since we are actually using a computer (your device) with a finite representation of real numbers, we can calculate the best possible estimate for your device by repeating enough times. We don't have to repeat that many times because this method converges quickly.

The equation we will solve is: x(i+1) = ½ (x(i) + S/x(i))

In words, our next estimate, x(i+1), is calculated as ½ the sum of our current estimate, x(i), and our number, S, divided by our current estimate. We replace our current estimate with our new estimate and repeat. In our example program, we will repeat a fixed number of times. You could also compare successive estimates until the difference is small enough for your needs.

When creating programs, it is a good idea to write down the values you will be using and assign them to Registers. You may also want to write down your program before you enter it into the app so you can check it over. Here are some notes for our program:

S – The number for which we'll calculate the square root
x(0) – Our initial approximation (guess) for which we'll use S ÷ 2
x(i) – Our successive approximation (estimate)
limit – The number of times we will repeat

We will assign the Registers like this:

R(0)– S
R(1)– x(i)
R(2)– limit (e.g., 10)

And here is our program, with notes:

00 rem "Square Root"  A remark for identification
01 set 10.0  A ← Limit
02 sto 2  A → R(2)
03 prt  Clear the display
04 prt "Number?"  Print a prompt for the number
05 in 0  Input S → R(0)
06 rcl 0  A ← R(0)
07 div 2.0  Our initial guess is S ÷ 2.0
08 lbl 0  Label(0)
09 prt  Clear the display
10 out  Output A, i.e., x(i)
11 slp 1000.0  Sleep 1 second to see the estimate
12 sto 1  Store x(i) in R(1)
13 rcl 0  A ← R(0), i.e., S
14 div 1  A ← A ÷ R(1), i.e., S/x(i)
15 add 1  A ← A + R(1), i.e., x(i) + S/x(i)
16 div 2.0  A ← A ÷ 2.0, i.e., ½ (x(i) + S/x(i))
17 dsz 2  Decrement R(2), skip on zero
18 gto 0  Go To Label(0), i.e., repeat
19 eof  The end

TIP:  You can tell whether a parameter is a Register or a literal by the presence of a decimal point and a fractional part. For example, add 1 means add Register 1 while div 2.0 means to divide by the literal 2.0.

Hopefully, this helps to see how a program is written and what it does. This Square Root program is available for download.

Bonus Programs

The number sequence: 1, 1, 2, 3, 5, 8, etc., named for Leonardo Fibonacci, appears all around in nature. The Fibonacci program to display this sequence is provided as a bonus.

While Body Mass Index (BMI) is not the best measure of a person's weight, it does give you a sense of whether your weight is alright, too much, or (heaven forbid) too little. The BMI Range program calculates the healthy weight range for your height.

You may wonder why the lyrics of a song are the basis for a calculator program. Well, this particular song inspired over 1500 programs! As a brief history, in 1994, someone posted the complete lyrics for this song to a humor mailing list. Some recipient of the post complained that this was a waste of bandwidth and that the lyrics could be generated with only six lines of BASIC. The original poster slighted C++ programmers so the site maintainer posted a version in C++ and that opened the floodgates for programmers from all over the world to post their own versions in many assorted languages. You can read more about this history and see all the different versions on the 99 Bottles of Beer website. The 99 Bottles of Beer program for your Programmable Calculator is provided as another bonus. If you are too impatient to wait, preview the final display or change the 99.0 in step 4.

Final Thoughts

One extra note should be mentioned about the "Hello, world!" program given above. While the simple, one-step program will display "Hello, world!", it will be appended to whatever is already on the display. In practice, you'll probably want a simple prt instruction first to clear the display.

The calculator stores its programs as text files that can be transferred and edited on other systems. If you want to do this, be sure to save the program files with Unix format end of lines.

If you have ideas or requests for enhancements, please send an email to and we'll see what we can do. We are planning on enhancements and we welcome your feedback.

Thank you for your support!

Copyright 2014-2015 Jeff Glenn